Thursday, June 15, 2006

Audio Blogger - way too cool

this is an audio post - click to play

This is this Blog's first Audio Blogger - listen to the audio, and then let me know if you can think of any other applications for this technology.
* It's FREE

* You can call in from any phone, any where, at any time and record a comment that is automatically posted to this blog, or a blog you make.

* Here's an application I'm considering - adding a blog to my website..I place a link on my main page to my Real Estate Blog - it points to a blog I create on and opens in a new window. So, I'm driving down the road, and I see a sign for a new development in Frisco. I call Audio blogger on my cell, and tell the listeners all about what I'm seeing, and how it may affect the price of homes in the area, and a little while later, wa la, an audio blog of my observations is on my website.

* I'm out at a new listing and want to make notes about the features, sizes of rooms, etc. I call Audio Blog on my cell and use up to 5 minutes (per blog post) to note it all. My assistant checks the blog, dictates my notes (or uses speech recognition to do so) and before I return all the details are in our database, and synched to my PDA/Cell phone.

* By the way, I just pulled up this blog on my Treo 650 - it came up fast, and I was able to download the audio file and play it back on my Treo in just a few seconds. I'm sure there must be some applications here as well, other than what you can already do through voice mail.


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